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Judd- Mains-Berlew Cemetery
(Franklin Twp.)
off Smith Landing Road
Georgetown, OH 45121 USA
Directions:  Take St. Rt. 52 out of New Richmond heading east.  Pass through Point Pleasant, Neville and Chilo.  You will come upon St. Rt. 133 – turn left.  Continue for a few “blocks” until you come to Felicity-Cedron Road on the right.  Continue on Felicity Cedron Road.  You will come upon a small bridge and a fork of roads will appear for you to choose.  Turn sharp right onto Smith Landing Road.  This will
travel along the Bullskin creek.  The blacktop single lane road will end but you must continue on until you reach the last house on the left.  In 2010 this house was the residence of the Strunk family.  Please take a GPS.
Pictures and inscriptions taken by Pamela Smith, CCGS member and Vera Quehl, volunteer in the spring of 2010.  What an adventure we had before, during and after this expedition.  We are so grateful to Andy and Karen Strunk, who ended up having to drive us partially back on a four wheeler and then stayed with us to make sure we did not get lost or hurt.  The cemetery was laid out in one single path.  A square garden plot of daffodils were blooming where I would consider the entrance to the cemetery. 
It was on a very high knoll.  To walk to this cemetery, you must be in
good shape and wear walking attire.
Judd-Mains-Berlew Cemetery Photo